Lesson 64 Video

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Lesson 64

Lesson 64 - Takin' Care of Business

Takin' Care of Business


Lesson Goals:

♦ Learn C5, Bb5 and F5 chords 
♦ Learn Blues Riff in different rhythm pattern
♦ Play "Takin' Care of Business"

This is another song using the Blues Rhythm Riff in a different style. We will learn the BTO song called "Takin' Care of Business"

The riff will be played just like the way you have been doing it in the last few lessons, but the "feel" of the rhythm will change a bit, as this is more of a rock song.

We will use the C5, Bb5 and F5 chords, and they are formed identical to the other "5" chords we have been playing, but the "root" notes, of course, will change.

Here is the diagram for the two positions of the C5 chord.

64 c5 comp 01

Here is the diagram for the two positions of the Bb5 chord. This chord will begin on the 6th fret which is a Bb (or A#) note. (This chord could also be called an A#5 chord)

64 bb5 comp 01

Here is the diagram for the two positions of the F5 chord.

64 f5 comp 01

Once you are comfortable with the chord fingering let's try the song. There are two lines with a total of eight measures on the chart, but the whole song just repeats these lines over and over.

64 takin care of business chart

Lesson 64 Summary

The purpose of this lesson is to show you yet another way to use the Blues Rhythm Riff. You should be starting to get comfortable playing it at various locations on the neck of the guitar and in different rhythm styles.

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Jam Tip!

Can you name the steps of this chord progression? The 1st chord is "C" so the song is in the key of "C". If you play a "C" major scale you will find that the I (1) chord is, of course, "C". The "Bb" note is between the 6th and 7th steps of the C major scale. This would be called a b7 (flat seven). The "F" is on the 4th step of the scale. So this song would be referred to as a "I, bVII, IV" (one, flat seven, four) chord progression. (refer to the chart on Lesson 53 to brush up on the major scale steps and pattern)

C5 (1st Position)

64 c5 1 pic

C5 (2nd Position)

64 c5 2 pic

Bb5 (1st Position)

64 bb5 1 pic

Bb5 (2nd Position)

64 bb5 2 pic

F5 (1st Position)

64 f5 1 pic

F5 (2nd Position)

64 f5 2 pic