Lesson 7 Video

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Lesson 7

Lesson 7 - Tulsa Time Bass Note Picking

Tulsa Time - Bass Note Picking

Lesson Goals:

♦ Reading TAB with chords and bass notes
♦ Learn alternate bass note picking combined with strumming
♦ Learn to play smoothly and in tempo

In this lesson we will expand on the song “Tulsa Time” by incorporating the use of some bass notes to accompany the chords.

This will bring us a new challenge as it incorporates the use of single note picking and strumming at the same time.

Take a look at the diagram below.

7_tulsa w bass notes

Let’s look at the first measure where it says “Bass Notes for E”.  Reading from left to right it tells us that we play the (single note) 6th string open once, and then strum the E chord.

We then play the single note on the 2nd fret of the 5th string, and then strum the E chord again.

This style gives the effect of adding a bass guitar to the mix. Think of it in terms of playing:
“bass note / strum / bass note / strum / bass note / strum / etc…”.

When we reach the B7 chord (fourth measure) we play the first bass note on the 2nd fret of the 5th string, then strum the chord, then play the bass note on the 2nd fret of the 6th string, then strum the chord, and so on.

Practice this very slowly to begin with then gradually pick up speed.

Lesson 7 Summary

We have spent a lot of time on this first song because there are a number of new concepts that needed to be introduced. Take your time practicing these new concepts until you are comfortable with them. Work on playing the intro riff and then playing the complete song. Believe it or not, you have come a long way!


Trying to achieve perfection at this stage of the game may prove a little frustrating. For now, just work on getting a good grasp of the concepts and techniques you have learned. Later on you can work on perfecting everything.

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Jam Tip!

You can actually play this passage with very little finger movement. In fact, the only time you have to move a finger (other than when changing chords) is during the B7 chord where you have to move the 2nd finger back and forth from the 5th string to the 6th string for the bass notes. Otherwise, once you are in a chord position, you can stay planted there and let the pick do the work!

E Chord

1_e chord pic

B7 Chord

3_b7 chord pic