Lesson 50 Video

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Lesson 50

Lesson 50 - D7 Chord

D7 Chord


Lesson Goals:

♦ Learn proper fingering for the D7 chord
♦ Play the chord clearly
♦ Visualize the chord pattern

The same concepts apply to the "D7" chord as other 7th chords that we discussed earlier.

The "D7" is formed by placing the 2nd finger on the 2nd fret of the 3rd string, the 1st finger on the 1st fret of the 2nd string, and the 3rd finger on the 2nd fret of the 1st string.

Now let's compare the D7 to it's parent, the D major chord.

50 d to d7 comp 01

As you can see the only difference is that the note on the 3rd fret of the 2nd string on the D major chord is now changed to the 1st fret of the same string to make the D7. As a result, the fingering for the two chords is very different as well.

Lesson 50 Summary

Take a few minutes to work on the "D7" chord. The chord should sound clear with no buzzing or fret noise. Also practice visualizing the chord pattern. You should be able to recall the chord pattern without looking at the chart.

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Jam Tip!

Remember in Lesson 42 where we  covered D chord variations? In that lesson we varied the position of the 1st string notes while keeping the 2nd and 3rd string notes in place. You can also do the same thing with the 2nd string notes, varying from 3rd to 2nd to 1st fret (which is the D7 chord), while keeping your position of the D chord on the 1st and 3rd strings.  

D7 Chord

50 d7 chord diagram 01

D7 Chord

50 d7 pic