How to Teach Yourself Guitar – 6 Easy Steps

by | Jun 27, 2011 | Uncategorized

ezineMillions of people dream of learning how to play guitar. For many, it’s an un-quenched passion lying dormant for years just waiting for the right spark to come along and light the flame.

And when it finally does, the number one question is, “how do I get started”?

There are a number of avenues you can take to learn how to play guitar – private lessons, books, DVDs, online lessons and home study courses – but sometimes beginning guitarists choose to “go it alone”.

Many times students decide to learn guitar on their own due to economic reasons, or a lack of desire to take part in a regimented course of study. Sometimes it’s just a matter of wanting to accomplish something without any outside help.

Either way, if you’ve decided to teach yourself guitar then here are some ideas to help you get going.

1. Make sure your guitar is a “good fit”

Human beings come in all shapes and sizes, and so do guitars. Take the time and do the research to make sure your first guitar fits your body, arms and hands properly.

A visit to your local music store will help greatly in this process.

2. Learn the “basics” first

Spend some time working on learning the basic mechanics of playing guitar such as – how to hold the guitar, how to how the pick, how to read TAB and music charts, how to “fret” the guitar, and proper strumming techniques.

3. Learn how to tune the guitar

A properly tuned guitar is essential, and learning how to tune it is something you should work on before you try to play the first chord.

4. Learn the “CAGED” chords first

The “CAGED” chords are the major open chords on the guitar, and the foundation for which most other chords are formed. This is an important first step.

“CAGED” is simply an acronym for the open chords:

C – A – G – E – D

Get comfortable learning to play these first five chords early on.

5. Learn the “major” scale

The major scale is a great starting point for the study of scales and should be learned first. By knowing this scale and learning the “pattern” of the scale on the guitar neck you will have a solid foundation for learning how to play other scales and modes on the guitar later on.

6. Use technology

With the advent of the internet there are many places you can obtain all this information for free.

There are many sites that offer tutorials on learning the basic chords on guitar, as well as scales, modes licks and riffs.

In Summary
Learning guitar on your own can be a rewarding experience. Many great guitarists over the years have learned to play by teaching themselves.

However, most of the top guitar players that are “self taught” will usually admit to having a mentor somewhere along the way. Someone who took them under their wing and showed them some techniques.

The good news is that, nowadays you can have many “mentors” right at your fingertips. Quite often, learning riffs, licks and songs by your favorite guitar player is only a matter of doing a search on sites like or other guitar related sites.

Most of all, be patient with yourself and have fun! Learning how to teach yourself guitar is a challenge, but one that will give you years of satisfaction.