The great thing about an acoustic guitar is its versatility. They are suitable to many musical styles and genres, are easy to care for, and easy to transport. The down side is when the guitar needs to be heard by more than a few people gathered in a small room. As a result, acoustic guitar pickups were developed that allow the guitar to be plugged into some sort of amplification.
There are a number of different acoustic guitar pick-up systems available in a variety of shapes, sizes and price ranges – including “clip on” or “sound hole” pickups, built-in “natural” pick-ups, and pick-ups with on-board electronics. The best pickup systems for acoustics will have a built-in “pre-amp”. A pre-amp will give a “boost” to the signal before it ever leaves the guitar. This helps to produce a cleaner and truer tone when the signal reaches its final destination.
A pre-amp requires a power source in order to function, and on most acoustic guitars this power is supplied with a 9 volt battery that attaches to the guitar – normally inside the body.
Clip-on or Sound Hole Pickups
These are the most basic of acoustic guitar pickups and are usually “passive”, meaning they do not have pre-amps to boost the signal. Many are not designed to be installed permanently on the guitar. They can be “clipped on” to an area around the sound hole or bridge – and some models are made to wedge into the sound hole itself. These are typically an inexpensive alternative for someone who just wants to casually plug their guitar into an amp or PA, but not recommended for a gigging musician.
Natural Pickups
A natural style pickup is one that is permanently installed on the guitar, but in a “non-intrusive” installation that does not require any serious modifications to the guitar body. No cutting or major drilling. As a result, these pickups do not have on-board controls for volume and EQ, but they do normally come with a “pre-amp”. A popular manufacturer, Fishman, makes a pickup that is called the “Natural” for just this type of non-intrusive installation and is a great choice for anyone concerned about making major modifications to their guitar.
Pickups with On-board Electronics
These are, by far, the most popular, and afford the guitarist the most flexibility in sound and tone. Most of these types of pickups have controls mounted on the guitar to make adjustments to volume, EQ and tone “shape”. They typically come equipped with a battery powered pre-amp making for a good clean signal that is fully adjustable. Just remember to change the battery occasionally!
Many acoustic guitars come from the factory with pickup systems that are already installed. But even if yours is not equipped with a pickup, one can easily be purchased and installed. It is not, however, a job for the inexperienced! Serious damage can occur to the guitar when installing a pickup so be sure to have it done by a qualified guitar tech or luthier. So if you’re having a hard time hearing your acoustic, by all means, look at your various options for installing a pickup.
If, on the other hand, you’re shopping for a guitar with a pickup system already installed, be sure to be aware of the differences so that you can make a decision that works best for you!