Acoustic Guitars and the “Goose” Effect

Acoustic Guitars and the “Goose” Effect

You get on stage, plug in your acoustic guitar, tweak the sound and start playing. Things are rolling along fine, and then, suddenly, in the middle of the song, an obnoxious “honk” slaps you (and the audience) in the face!You turn a few degrees to the...
Acoustic Guitars and the “Goose” Effect

How a 5-String Bass Guitar Works

Even though we mainly address issues concerning guitar players in these columns, as we grow with our skills on the guitar, and eventually start making music with other musicians, it’s helpful to become aware of some of the nuances of the other instrumentation we...
Acoustic Guitars and the “Goose” Effect

Your First Two Chords on the Guitar

If you are just starting out on the guitar from square one, then this is for you.You may have recently purchased a new guitar, or maybe decided to dust off the one that’s been sitting in the closet, and now you want to figure out what to do with it.Your first...
Acoustic Guitars and the “Goose” Effect

Play Guitar Like a Good Scout and “Be Prepared”

I was the victim of a freak accident on a gig recently and it really drove home the point of how important it is, as a guitar player, to be prepared for anything.Whether it’s playing guitar on a gig, rehearsing with a band, or just jamming in the basement with...
Acoustic Guitars and the “Goose” Effect

An Easy Guitar “Walk Down” in D

One very common way of transitioning from one chord to another on the guitar is by means a “walk down”.A walk down involves starting on the first chord, then playing a transitional chord, and then arriving at the destination chord.You have probably heard...