Guitar Cables – Picking The “Right Angle”

Guitar Cables – Picking The “Right Angle”

In the beginning there were basic guitar cables. Nothing fancy, standard black jacket, ten or twenty feet long with straight chrome plugs with metal casings that unscrew so that you could access the wiring points and solder your own joints if something broke. Nowadays...
Guitar Cables – Picking The “Right Angle”

Learning Guitar – Intro Riff For “My Girl”

If you’ve been around long enough to remember the Temptations, then at some point along the way you have probably spent a few magic moments swaying with someone special to the grooves of “My Girl”. One of the things that really sticks with the...
Guitar Cables – Picking The “Right Angle”

Pre-Stretching New Guitar Strings

If you play guitar consistently, you already know the importance of changing your strings on a regular basis. Old guitar strings lose their tone over time, and left on long enough, will eventually break. A guitar student playing on a daily or even casual basis should...
Guitar Cables – Picking The “Right Angle”

How Guitar Amp Distortion Works

In a previous discussion we talked about how the advent of the master volume control in guitar amps allowed for channel switching to be utilized. Today we will look at how distortion can be created and controlled when the amp is switched to the lead or...
Guitar Cables – Picking The “Right Angle”

8 Tips For Buying a Guitar Online

Today’s younger generation may have a hard time believing this, but there really was a time when cell phones, PC’s, pagers, texting, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and the Internet, didn’t exist! Back in those pre-historic times, buying a guitar was a...