Site icon Adult Guitar Lessons

Too Old to Learn Guitar?

Too Old to Learn Guitar?

My next door neighbor had a decorating/ catering business that she ran out of her home for years. Her husband had their garage closed in and that became her office/warehouse/meeting area.
She worked hard and kept a clear vision in her mind the whole time. One day she would open a store front with a gift department, a floral department, and a catering department.

In her travels around town she always kept her eyes the real estate market, always looking for that perfect property that matched the dream in her mind.

One day she found it. The place she had envisioned. It would need some work to get it to where she wanted it to be, but hard work was nothing new to her.

She bought the property and spent the next several months working tirelessly getting it ready. Scrubbing, painting, landscaping, overseeing contractors, paying attention to the smallest of details. Finally, the  day came when everything was in place and the doors were opened to the public.

The business was a hit and took off. she hired more employees, increased her inventory, and her profits. She continued to work 6 or 7 days a week, loving every minute of it. She still does. Not bad for someone who went out on a limb and opened a new business at the age of 68!

We all know people like this, the ones who didn’t get the “memo” that, at age 65 it’s time to collect the gold watch and head out to pasture.

Are You Too Old to Start Playing Guitar?


If you “think” you are, then the answer is probably “yes”. You may have had the dream to pick up the guitar at a younger age, but got side tracked. Life has a funny way of getting in the way of such dreams. Raising a family, climbing the corporate ladder, starting a home, building up the IRA. Priorities change and the creative side of us gets put on the back burner.
But sitting there on the back burner, our dream continues to simmer, and one day we wake up to the realization that we only get one shot at our journey on this earth. That this is not a “rehearsal” for the real one. This “is” the real one and if we are ever going to do it, we just have to “do it”.

This applies to any pursuit that we have only dreamed about. Whether it’s playing a musical instrument, learning to paint, writing a novel or starting a new business. The only way to quench that thirst is to jump in head first. The best time to start is now!

Maybe you wanted to play guitar in your youth but just “never got around to it”. You may have even played guitar for a while in college but had to give it up for a “real” job. You might have wanted to take up the guitar as a hobby but in between raising a family and building a career, never found the time.

If playing the guitar is an un-quenched passion of yours then it may be time to make it happen.

You might be apprehensive as to where to begin. Start by buying a guitar! Next, take some lessons – practice and learn. Figure out how to play some of your favorite songs. As Nike would say, “just do it”.

Without turning this into a blatant advertisement for, we have an extensive tutorial section (see “Tutorials”) that will answer a lot of questions for you in terms of buying a guitar, learning basic music notation, guitar maintenance and more. It’s all free.
We also have some free lessons on the site and a ton of other useful information to help you get started. Our lessons program is designed specifically for guitar students of “our” generation.

After playing guitar professionally for over 30 years, I realized that most guitar lesson programs cater to a younger audience. The 13 to 25 year olds. But a more mature guitar student has a different set of goals and needs than a teenager.

That’s why we’re here. To help guitar students who don’t have 4 hours a day to practice, who don’t want to spend years learning music theory, who don’t want to spend countless hours practicing mind numbing scales and exercises, students who aren’t trying to be the next Jimi Hendrix or Eddie Van Halen.

We’re here for the mature student that just wants to learn how to play guitar fast and easy. We provide our lessons in a clear, step-by-step fashion, using videos, text, pictures, charts and diagrams. And our students are never alone. Our members recieve full email support whenever they need it.
Regardless of which path you ultimately take, if you have had a dream of “one day” learning how to play the guitar, then resolve, right now, to make “one day”…TODAY!

Please do not
hesitate to contact us with any questions!

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