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How to Find Song Ideas For the Guitar Player

Turn on Your “Radar”

Where do song ideas come from? The answer is everywhere! They are all around us. Ideas can spring from anywhere.

The key to finding these ideas is to “turn on your radar” and always be on the lookout for them. When you are of the mindset that a song idea can come up, no matter where you are, or what you are doing, it is amazing the number of inspired moments you will have throughout the day.

Conversely, when the radar is off, the ideas tend to be few and far between, and you can rest assured that many good song ideas have passed you by.

Here are some places song ideas can come from, especially if your radar is on:

1. Conversations

2. Movies

3. TV Shows

4. Books

5. Magazines

6. Newspapers

7. Your Own Life

Turning on the radar is not hard and does not require a lot of work. It’s just a little tweak in attitude. Just a matter of developing the confidence and faith that if you are more “in tune” to what’s going on around you, good ideas will spring forth.

Just know that by always having your “radar” turned on, there will be a constant wealth of song ideas at your disposal.

These ideas can hit you while driving down the road, walking around the mall, watching TV, or just talking on the phone. Keep the radar on and plugged in, and you will soon find that song ideas are as plentiful as the air around you!

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