Lesson 38

Lesson 38 - E Minor Chord

E Minor (Em) Chord

Lesson Goals:

♦ Learn proper fingering for the E minor (Em) chord
♦ Play the chord clearly
♦ Visualize the chord pattern

The E minor (Em) chord is the second minor chord you have learned. Like the Am and other minor chords, the Em produces a "darker" tone and can invoke feelings of sadness.

The Em is a very easy chord to form. It consists of the 2nd finger on the 2nd fret of the 5th string. and the 3rd finger on the 2nd fret of the 4th string.

An even easier way to remember how to form the Em is to compare it to the E major chord that we learned in Lesson 1. Start by forming an E major chord, then just lift off your 1st finger. That's it! See the diagram below.

38 e to em comp 01