Lesson 20

Lesson 20 - G Major Chord

G Major Chord

Lesson Goals:

♦ Learn the proper fingering for the G major chord
♦ Play the chord clearly
♦ Visualize the chord pattern

In this lesson we will introduce the G chord. This is a very popular chord and numerous songs in country,  rock, bluegrass and southern rock have been written in the key of G.

This is another chord that can be played with some different fingerings. The one that feels best to you is the one you should use.

The G chord is formed with the 3rd finger on the 3rd fret of the 6th string, the 2nd finger on the 2nd fret of the 5th string and the 4th finger on the 3rd fret of the 1st string.

Try both formations and see what works best for you. It will help to learn the G chord both ways.