Ezine Articles

Acoustic Guitars and the "Goose" Effect

ezineYou get on stage, plug in your acoustic guitar, tweak the sound and start playing. Things are rolling along fine, and then, suddenly, in the middle of the song, an obnoxious "honk" slaps you (and the audience) in the face!

You turn a few degrees to the right and the honking stops. Then back to the left and the howling returns. A few degrees further to the left and it stops. Then you move slightly again and it roars back with a vengeance.

Read more: Acoustic Guitars and the "Goose" Effect

Acoustic Guitar Pickup Options

ezineThe great thing about an acoustic guitar is its versatility. They are suitable to many musical styles and genres, are easy to care for, and easy to transport. The down side is when the guitar needs to be heard by more than a few people gathered in a small room. As a result, acoustic guitar pickups were developed that allow the guitar to be plugged into some sort of amplification.

Read more: Acoustic Guitar Pickup Options

A Cool Guitar "Pull-Off" in D

ezineOnce you learn the basic open chords on guitar you will reach a point where you want to "stretch out" a bit and do some different things with those chords.

There are a number of things that you can do with a "D" chord to spice things up and add a new dimension to your playing.

Read more: A Cool Guitar "Pull-Off" in D

How to Find Song Ideas by "Listening"

ezineEarlier we talked about how many more ideas for songs will come our way by "turning on the radar" and adjusting our subconscious mind to be more "in tune" to the world around us.

One of the ways we can do that is to work on developing the art of "listening".

How often, throughout the course of the day, do you have a conversation with someone, then, later on, have a hard time recalling what you actually talked about.

Read more: How to Find Song Ideas by "Listening"

How a 5-String Bass Guitar Works

ezineEven though we mainly address issues concerning guitar players in these columns, as we grow with our skills on the guitar, and eventually start making music with other musicians, it's helpful to become aware of some of the nuances of the other instrumentation we may encounter in a group situation.

One such instrument is the bass guitar. The bass has the responsibility in a group or band, of carrying the bottom end of the rhythm section.

Read more: How a 5-String Bass Guitar Works

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on the Guitar


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